Bayerischer Wald
We are a national park for all. So we think it is very important to enable handicapped people the experience of our wild nature as well. However, the Bavarian Forest National Park is located in a low mountain range with steep slopes and narrow, stony paths. That's why most of our paths are not accessible for wheelchairs. But we already built some accessible trails. You can find information concerning these accessible routes in our Tour Tips.
Our visitor facilities, especially Hans-Eisenmann-Haus, Haus zur Wildnis and Waldgeschichtliches Museum, are accessible too. This means, that all essential spots of the exhibitions, the restaurants and sanitary facilities can be used without any barriers. Accessible paths were made and signposted at the forest playground near Spiegelau, the animal enclosures near Neuschönau and Ludwigsthal, as well as at the botanical site and geological site. Many of these offers are now officially certified as accessible.
The Lusen National Park Centre offers free rental of an electric, folding or hiking wheelchair for off-road tours. Inquiries via 08558 9729823.
We gladly offer guided tours for those with physical or mental disabilities for free, in order to enable intensive experiences of forest and wilderness. In doing that, we respond to their individual needs. Please contact us at least two weeks before the scheduled appointment: 09922 5002-0 or npfueralle@npv-bw.bayern.de. In addition, in our regular leaded tour program, there are suitable tours for people with disabilities as well.
Further tips concerning your stay in the Bavarian Forest National Park can be found in our Frequently Asked Questions.