Bayerischer Wald
Vacation with dogs
Urlauber mit Hunden sind im Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald herzlich willkommen. Unsere Wanderwege laden sowohl zu ausgiebigen Spaziergängen als auch zu anspruchsvollen Touren mit den vierbeinigen Begleitern ein. Allerdings gilt es, einige Regeln zu beachten.
Dogs on a leash?
According to the national park regulation, it is prohibited to unleash your dog within the national park area. Therefore, dogs should be kept on a leash if they cannot walk at heel. In the areas that belong to the adjacent communities, visitors with dogs have to obey the applicable regulations. For further information just contact the tourist information points on site.
On the way at the animal enclosure
Visitors may also bring their dogs to the animal enclosures at Lusen National Park Centre and Falkenstein National Park Centere, where they must be kept on a leash. In the walkable enclosures, such as wild boar or deer enclosures in Neuschönau, dogs must not be taken. Detours for dogs are signposted at the animal enclosures area.
Forest playground Spiegelau and Wildniscamp at Falkenstein
The forest playground in Spiegelau is aimed at families with children. Out of consideration for these visitors, dogs must be kept on a leash. Bringing dogs is prohibited at Wildniscamp at Falkenstein.
Dog crates at the visitor centers
Dogs are not allowed at the bigger visitor facilities, such as Hans-Eisenmann-Haus in Neuschönau or the Forest History Museum in St. Oswald. At Haus zur Wildnis in Ludwigsthal, dogs are allowed in the upper area, where you can find catering as well. Dogs are prohibited in the lower exhibition area. But there are some dog crates in front of these facilities. There are no dog kennels at the Forest History Museum. Dogs are not allowed on the tree top walk of the Erlebnis Akademie as well.
Dog Stations
What do visitors do with their four-legged friend’s feces? At three frequently accessed areas, we offer Dog-Stations. Dog waste bags are not available there; visitors must bring their own. Only filled bags can be disposed at these Dog-Stations, which can be found at Lusen National Park Centre and Falkenstein National Park Centre with their animal enclosure areas and at the forest playground near Spiegelau. The sites of the Dog-Stations can be found on the maps at our visitor facilities. In the remaining areas of the national park, we cannot offer Dog-Stations for logistic reasons. At those places, we ask you to take the filled dog waste bag and dispose it at home. Alternatively, the dog feces - without bags – can remain in the forest off the trails.
Dog-friendly hosts
Dogs are allowed to stay overnight in many hotels, guesthouses and holyday apartments of our national park partners. There is an overview that can be found in the list of our national park partners.
Dogs on public transport
On a leash, dogs can be transported with the Igelbus and there are no costs for this transportation. With regard to the Waldbahn it is a bit different: taking dogs is only free of charge if the animals fit into carry-on luggage sized transport boxes and are not carried on seats. Larger dogs have to be on a leash and have to wear a muzzle. You don’t have to buy an extra ticket for them.
Further information can be found on the homepage of Tourismusverband Ostbayern.